Full Lotus Spagryic Elixir Quintet Set
Full Lotus Spagryic Elixir Quintet Set
Metamorflotus Red Lotus Elixir (60ml)
Metamorflotus Pink Lotus Elixir (60ml)
Metamorflotus Blue Lotus Elixir (60ml)
Metamorflotus Yellow Lotus Elixir (60ml)
Metamorflotus White Lotus Elixir (60ml)
Metamorflotus Red Lotus Elixir (60ml)
Nymphaea rubra +Grape Spirit, Vegetable Glycerin, Lotus Minerals (100% Organic)
Red Lotus (Nymphaea rubra) ~
has been cherished for thousands of years in Asian medicine as a robust, vim and vigor, youth-instilling herb. Correlating to the root chakra & sacral chakra (sexual glands & adrenal glands) bringing a feeling of grounded embodiment, calm sense of safety in the body, impetus to chill out of stress response, and a vital passionate experience of thriving turned-on life.
*Discover more on the wonderful supportive qualities click here "Why Lotus?"
Use: Take 1 dropper full 1 to 3 x per day under your tongue. Breathing deeply with eyes closed visualizing a golden red light from your root connecting deep into the earth, rising up through your center till blossoming open at your crown; a pure conduit for thriving sacred empowered life.
Strip away to the naked truth of who you really are, electricity through a wire, a cosmic candle touched by celestial fire.~`
Metamorflotus Pink Lotus Elixir (60ml)
Nulembo nucifera +Grape Spirit, Vegetable Glycerin, Lotus Minerals (100% Organic)
Pink Lotus “Sacred Lotus” (Nelumbo nucifera) ~
Long prized medicinally & energetically by ancient Hindus, Buddhists, and many cultures across Asia; the beneficial effects of the Sacred Lotus are now well-documented for it’s ability to get one out of negative overthinking and into a loving accepting compassionate healthy happy heart space.
*Discover more on the wonderful supportive qualities click here "Why Lotus?"
Use: Take 1 dropper full 1 to 3 x per day under your tongue. Breathing deeply, close your eyes, focus on your heart. Smile and envision a light connecting your heart to your crown funneling an Eternal Love that nourishes you to the core.
Amorously propose to life and each moment becomes a magical love-story blossom unfolding.~*
Metamorflotus Blue Lotus Elixir (60ml)
Nymphaea caerulea +Grape Spirit, Vegetable Glycerin, Lotus Minerals (100% Organic)
Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) ~
being long treasured as a spiritual & physical remedy by the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks & Mayans; it is a truly all-around profound enlightening ally bringing on profound creative flow-state and a great sense of sublime Divine connection.
*Discover more on the wonderful supportive qualities click here "Why Lotus?"
Use: Take 1 dropper full 1 to 3 x per day under your tongue. breathing deeply, close your eyes, focus on your brow point. Smile and envision a crown of light connecting you to divine wisdom, clarity, & loving action.
Follow yourself. Reclaim your crown. As within, so without. As the Universe, so the soul.~*
Metamorflotus Yellow Lotus Elixir (60ml)
Nelumbo lutea +Grape Spirit, Vegetable Glycerin, Lotus Minerals (100% Organic)
Yellow Lotus (Nelumbo lutea) ~
has long been revered as a sacred plant with mystical powers by many Native Tribes of North America, not only as food sustenance but also a therapeutic healing herb similar to it’s Indian cousin Sacred Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera). The indigenous peoples knew well of Yellow Lotus as a sublime essence that opens one to greater spiritual realms and higher consciousness. This amazing flower ally correlates to the solar plexus and our will-power acting to instill a sense of joyful confidence along with a sunny disposition.
*Discover more on the wonderful supportive qualities click here "Why Lotus?"
Use: Take 1 dropper full 1 to 3 x per day under your tongue. breathing deeply, close your eyes, focus on your brow point. Smile and envision a golden light connecting your solar plexus to your mind crowning you in true contentment.
Awaken your dreams. Not the fleeting clouds, you are the limitless sky. Nothing outside of you is more powerful.~*
Metamorflotus White Lotus Elixir (60ml)
Nymphaea ampla & Nelumbo nucifera (white variety) +Grape Spirit, Vegetable Glycerin, Lotus Minerals (100% Organic)
White Lotus (Nymphaea ampla & Nelumbo nucifera) ~
Nymphaea ampla has been a main medicinal & spiritual plant ally of the ancient Mayans and the ancient Egyptians used for regeneration, reverse-aging, and initiation into higher states of consciousness. Nelumbo nucifera is a white variety of the pink Sacred Lotus associated with the crown chakra and the pure enlightened unsoiled state of ecstasy, equanimity and ultimate tranquility of the female Buddha Quan Yin and the male Siddartha Guatama Buddha.
*Discover more on the wonderful supportive qualities click here "Why Lotus?"
Use: Take 1 dropper full 1 to 3 x per day under your tongue. Breathing calmly, close your eyes, focus on your crown. Smile and envision a heavenly violet white light aligning you to infinite loving source energy, inspiration & peacefulness.
A royal coronation, the elation of Empress & Emperor inside sincerely instilling the sacred into each + every magical & mundane moment.~`*
Our Commitment
Our Commitment
OUR HIGHEST QUALITY STANDARDS & INTEGRITY. Family owned and operated, made in the U.S. with certified organic herbs, wild harvested plants in a vegan and gluten free kitchen. Completely hand-made artisan crafted (elixirs, essential oils, & jewelry). Our products contain zero fillers, binders or flow agents. Lab tested for purity and efficacy. Packaged in recyclable glass. All shipping materials multiple times REUSED & RECYCLABLE. Percentage of our sales go to local communities and clean water.
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
With such high demand and low inventory, our products generally get shipped out within one week currently! No Returns at this time, but may send new product if you let us know of any issue. We want you to be ecstatically happy with your Metamorflotus! NOTE: We ship REUSING 100% REUSED recyclable packaging material which is MORE ECO than us purchasing & having delivered massive amounts of "Green" packaging materials. ***MULTIPLE TIME REUSE PACKAGING IS LESS IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT!*** Let's all do our best to learn & grow together! Pure Love, for Mother Earth & each other always!